Cooperation with industry

Since 2007, the SNI’s Nano-Argovia program has been supporting applied research projects in collaboration with industrial companies from Northwestern Switzerland. The companies listed below were partners in Nano-Argovia projects.

You can find short descriptions of the Nano Argovia projects under: Applied Research 

Selection of partner companies

ABB Switzerland Ltd, Baden, AG

Acthera Therapeutics AG, Basel, BS

Alpha-O Peptides, Riehen, BS

Aigys AG, AG


Atesos Medical AG, Aarau, AG

AWM Moldtech AG, Muri, AG

BASF Schweiz AG, Basel, BS

Biocure GmbH, ZH

Biotronik AG, Bülach; ZH

Brugg Cables AG, Brugg, AG

Camille Bauer Metrawatt AG, Wohlen, AG

Cellpack AG Packaging, Villmergen, AG

Chematest, R. Dubuis & Co., Ipsach, AG

CIS Pharma AG, Bubendorf, BL

Credentis AG, Windisch, AG

cryoWrite AG, BS

Dectris Ltd., Baden-Daettwil, AG

DePuy Synthes GmbH, BL

DSM Nutritional Products Ltd., Kaiseraugust, AG

Endress+Hauser Flowtec AG, Reinach, BL

Eulitha AG, Kirchdorf, AG

FGen GmbH, Basel, BS

Gemalto AG, Aarau, AG

GratXray AG, Villigen, AG

Hager & Meisinger GmbH, Neuss; Germany

HeiQ Materials, Schlieren, ZH

Heptagon Oy, Espoo (SF) Zweigstelle Rüschlikon

HighTec MC AG, Lenzburg, AG

F. Hoffmann-La Roche, BS

Huntsman Advanced Materials GmbH, Basel, BS

INOFEA AG, Muttenz, BL

Institut Straumann AG, Basel, BS

InterAx Biotech AG, Villigen, AG

Jakob Härdi AG, Oberenetfelden, AG

Klinger AG, Egliswil, AG

KKS Ultraschall, SZ

Laser-Laboratorium, Göttingen; Germany (new: Institut für Nanophotonik)

leadXpro, Villigen, AG

Medicoat AG, Mägenwil, AG

Memo Therapeutics AG, Schlieren, ZH

Mems AG, Birmenstorf, AG 

Menhir Photonics, Basel, BS

MOMM Diagnostics GmbH, Basel, BS

MMS AG Membrane Systems, Urdorf, ZH

NANO 4 U AG, Sarnen, OW

Novonexile AG, Füllinsdorf, BL

Omya International AG, Oftringen, AG

Orchid Orthopedics Switzerland GmbH, Baden-Dättwil, AG

Orvinum AG, Magden, AG

Palto Therapeutics AG, Allschwil, BL

Perseo Pharma AG, Muttenz, BL

Printcolor Screen Ltd., Berikon; BL

QNAMI, Muttenz, BL

RadLab AG, Killwangen, AG (new: RAHN)

Rolic Technologies Ltd., Allschwil, BL

Sensirion AG, Stäfa, ZH

SKAN AG, Allschwil, BL

SwissSEM GmbH, Lenzburg, AG

TargImmune Therapeutics, Basel, BS

Thommen Medical Waldenburg, BL

TLD Photonics AG, Wettingen, AG

vVardis / Credentis AG, Windisch, AG

Walter MÄDER AG, Kilwangen, AG

XRnanotech, Villigen, AG


Dr. Sacha De Carlo, Business Development Manager, Dectris AG (Baden-Dättwil, AG)

"We couldn't have hoped for a better result. Publications in prestigious journals are the best form of publicity." 

Nano Argovia SCeNa project team

"Nano-Argovia projects bring together experts from different research institutions and specialists from companies in the region. Our SCeNa project has laid the foundation for follow-up projects and has brought great progress in the analysis of single cells."

Dr. Alessandro Napoli

"By participating in Nano-Argovia's NanoTough project, we are expanding our knowledge of new composite materials and we hope to build on our leading position in this field.

Forscherin in Labor

In the Nano-Argovia project ForMeL, researchers developed liposomes in which active pharmaceutical ingredients can be packaged and released when pressure changes. (Image: FHNW)

"For us as a newly founded startup, the Nano-Argovia program is an ideal opportunity to create the technical conditions for preclinical and clinical investigation of mechanoresponsive liposomes." 

Dr. Andreas Zumbuehl, Chief Technology Officer, Acthera Therapeutics (Basel)



In the Nano-Argovia project LIGARECO, researchers are investigating the use of a hydrogel template to prevent inflammation on dental implants. (Image: K. Mukaddam (UZB) and FHNW)

"The Nano-Argovia program is a valuable opportunity to collaborate with two regionally leading institutions such as FHNW and the University of Basel to develop this next generation of functional biomaterials."

Dr. Stefano Tugulu, Founder and Director of NovoNexile

Laserquelle, welche ultrakurze Pulse erzeugt

In the Nano-Argovia project NanoLase, researchers are developing a novel laser source that generates ultrashort pulses. (Image: B. Resan, Institute for Product and Production Engineering at FHNW Windisch)

“The NanoLase project is very exciting and promising for TLD Photonics as it helps to develop new technology, as well as to demonstrate its use in materials processing. It will bring the new product line to TLD Photonics, which could represent a breakthrough from laser micro- to laser nano-machining.”

Stephan von Wolff, CEO of TLD Photonics AG